Bedford Stuyvesant's only yarn/fabric/supplies shop Slip Stitch Needlecraft Needle & Fiber Arts Boutique re-opened its doors with a fresh look for the summer season and celebrated the joyous occasion by honoring World Wide Knit In Public Day on Saturday. Just like the theme of the event - "Better Living Through Stitching Together" - friends, family and neighbors gathered to put their needles to good use by knitting preemie hats for Woodhull Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Slip Stitch Needlecraft was conceived by Claudette Brady, co-founder of the Bedford Stuyvesant Society for Historic Preservation. Since her childhood years she enjoyed knitting, embroidery, crochet, sewing and it has never let her go.

"It is relaxing and therapeutic for me," said Claudette.
Claudette went to fashion school and started collecting high quality yarn, which eventually amassed to such enormous amounts that she started to sell them online. When her collection began to take over her house, she decided to find a new home for them and opened up a Slip Stitch Needlecraft, to share them with the Bed Stuy residents and visitors.

"My vision is to create a space within the community where people can express themselves through fiber arts," explained Claudette.
Since its first opening in November 2015, Slip Stitch and Needlecraft has become a solid staple of its neighborhood. Not only is the boutique a wonderful addition to the pool of yarn and fabric stores in New York City, it is also a first for the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood.
Upon entering the neighborhood gem you are met with shelves-upon-shelves of yarns in every weight and color, inviting you to take the needles in your hand and become creative with your needlecraft. And Claudette and her team get creative: they offer monthly events and classes for every skill level in crochet, knitting, macrame, pattern making and yarn-dyeing. The store even features its own line of hand-dyed wool called 'Bed Stuy's Do-Or-Dye'.
Starting July, there will also be a Kids Summer Program. During the 4-week program the future needlecrafters will learn knitting, weaving, crochet, cross stitch and yarn-dyeing.