Following weeks of off and on heavy rainstorms, the city is sharing its latest interactive flood maps that give residents real-time information on which areas are most at risk of flooding during a rainstorm.
With the maps, residents can enter their address, to see where rainfall may lead to heavy flooding in the user's immediate surrounding area and borough- and city-wide.
The maps become particularly important as the hurricane season approaches along the Atlantic and where it will become worse amid sea level rise driven by climate change.
The mayor's office also reminds New Yorkers that:
If it can rain, it can flood-- Even if you’re in an area far from the waterfront, you may want to purchase additional flood insurance coverage.
Renters can purchase flood insurance for just the contents of their apartment-- You’re not liable for the building in a flood, but you still want to protect your stuff. And renters outside of high-risk zones usually qualify for a Preferred Risk Policy.
Building owners need to understand their flood insurance options-- Many building owners may not realize how much flood insurance coverage they need for their property to ensure their structure and contents are protected in the event of a flood.
To use the interactive flood maps, go here.