1. Weather: Temperatures freezing, in the 20s all week, with one warmer day on Wednesday when temperatures may get up near 40 degrees. No snow is expected.
2. Alternate side parking regulations are suspended on Monday, Feb. 23 to facilitate snow removal. Meters will remain in effect.

3. Monday, February 23, 7:00pm (rescheduled from January 26) at Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration, located at 1368 Fulton Street,
Misty Copeland presents Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina. The evening will hold a discussion & book signing. Tickets (book included) are $18.50 or $75 VIP at greenlightbookstore.com
4. Community Board 2 (CB2) will hold its monthly Executive Committee meeting on Monday, February 23, at 6:00pm at the Jonas Board Room, Metcalfe Hall, Long Island University, Flatbush and DeKalb avenues.

5. The Next Rabbit Moon Produce Pickup is Tuesday February 24! Want to learn more about Rabbit Moon CSA? Go here. They do weekly Signups in the store every week until Thursday for a Tuesday Pickup! Only $25.00 for a Single Share, and $45.00 for a Family Share! Let them Know what Great Value there is to be had at rabbit moon! Also, they are Now Accepting Signups for 12 Week SPRING Produce Pickup. Enjoy Fresh, Organic, Spring Produce April 7th-June 30th for only $275.00!
6. Dollar Tree is hiring! They will hold their next hiring event at on Tuesday, February 24, at Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, 1368 Fulton Street. They will be looking to hire for positions as cashiers, in stock, greeters and managers. Please bring your resume, a photo I.D., social security car and dress in business/professional attire. Over 40 professionals were hired at the last event. Now it's your turn! Registration begins at 9:00am.

7. On Wednesday, February 25, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm, New York City Public Advocate Letitia James will host, "Our Schools, Our Voices," a town hall meeting on Education, Mayoral Control and Parent/Community Engagement. The town hall will be held at Brooklyn Law School, Moot Court Room, located at 250 Joralemon Street, downtown Brooklyn.