A new Quinnipiac University poll released today shows that a majority of New Yorkers support the legalization of small amounts of recreational marijuana 57 to 39 percent, while 45 percent of those voters say marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol and 36 percent say it's less dangerous.
But there is a gender gap and a generation gap on the question of recreational marijuana: Men show higher support for its use, 63 - 33, compared to women who support it 51 - 44 percent, the poll found.

Among voters in the 18 to 29 age range, 83 percent support it, versus 14 percent, while the majority of voters over 65 years old opposed it 57 - 38 percent.
Support is 65 - 32 percent among Democrats and 58 - 37 percent among independent voters, with Republicans opposed 55 - 39 percent.
Less than have of New York State voters -- 46 percent-- admit to trying it, versus 51 percent who deny they have used it. Women deny trying marijuana 58 - 39 percent, while men admit trying it 54 - 43 percent.
Voters 18 to 29 percent admit lighting up 55 - 42 percent while voters over 65 years old deny it 69 - 28 percent.

"Medical marijuana is a no-brainer for New York State voters, and they also would follow Colorado in legalizing marijuana for fun. But a slim plurality don't think legalization has been good for Colorado's reputation," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
Use of marijuana does not lead to use of other drugs, New York State voters say 52 - 41 percent. Men say no 57 - 36 percent, while women are divided with 46 percent saying yes and 47 percent saying no.