Crime is up 33 percent in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill's 88th Precinct, for the week of January 13 — January 19, 2014, according to CompStat, the NYPD's crime accountability and statistics system.
Although in the past 28-day cycle, crime dropped slightly, by 1.3 percent. It has trended upward beginning in 2014, showing a year-to-date statistic of a 4 percent increase, with 53 overall incidents to date, compared with 51 during this same time in 2013.
For the month, the greatest increase in reported crime incidents is seen in grand larceny auto (car thefts)-- a 233 percent increase—with 10 incidents reported so far in the past 28-day cycle at the 88th Pct, versus three incidents reported during this same time last year.
There's been a 25 percent decrease in murders, with nine reported murders in the 88th Pct. In the past month, versus 12 by this same time in 2013.