Do you have content you'd like to share with our audience?
Well, if you are a Brooklyn resident, you're in luck! This is a hyperlocal community platform, so whatever you'd like to share about the neighborhood, a review of a local new business opening, a poem, artwork, a resident call-to-action or maybe even a motivational coaching, you're at the right place. Just email us your content to: [email protected]. With your attachment, don't forget to include your neighborhood and a short, 1- to 2-sentence bio on who you are that we will include in the post. If you have a blog, you can include your blog link as well.
If you are not a Brooklyn resident and you represent a brand, that type of content is considered sponsored. If you'd like to reach our readers of Brooklyn residents, we'd love to have your voice on here as well!
BK Reader is certified with Google as a news site, not a blog. So your content shows up in all news searches.

Our SEO ranking is 100!
Your content will live on our homepage for 30 days and then remain searchable for the life of the site. Your links will never be removed or replaced. And the more posts you purchase, the more you save on each post.

Please note: All links are "no-follow," per Google's guidelines:
To get a cost schedule, email [email protected]. In the subject line, put "Sponsored Post."
Happy Posting!!