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Changing Your Habits for Better Health

If you are experiencing problems with weight, poor sleep, eating fast food, a lack of activity, or you just want to get healthier, it's time to change old habits.
Photo by Ev on Unsplash

In college, students don't usually think about how, what and when they eat-- and not because they don't care, but because their rushed life in doesn't give much choice.

When you are finishing your homework late at night with or without college homework help, you don't sleep enough. During a break, you have a couple of sandwiches because you don't have time for cooking, and after school, instead of going to the gym, you go to the room in your dorm trying to cope with all the tasks. 

Of course, when the deadlines are coming, you can ask your group mates, "Can you write a paper for me? I wish someone could write essay for me." But winning some time is not a way out. Such a lifestyle can lead to extra weight, sleep disturbances, and overall health problems, which will impact your academic performance as well.

To get rid of old bad habits and adopt new positive ones, you need to make some healthy lifestyle changes. In this article, we will show you how to switch it the right way.

Creating new active habits

If you start wondering how to change your lifestyle to be healthy, it is the first step to a better life. Old habits don't go away easily, so this process will take longer and involve a few stages:

  1. Form a habit. Repetitive things you automatically do every day form a pattern: brushing teeth, drinking coffee, doing homework. Such behaviors make you feel good, and your brain receives positive signals. All you have to do to bring a new habit into your life is to start doing it regularly: for instance, doing exercises 10 minutes before school;
  2. Get a plan. The best way to reach your goal is to visualize it. Create a plan, and then divide it into small digestible goals and specific actions you should take. For example, you decided to lose weight. Form a goal and describe how you do it, what exercises you perform and what meals you take, etc. (a weight loss planner will be helpful here);
  3. Don't make it too hard. If you are maintaining a diet, don't make it too difficult. Give yourself a little treat every now and then — otherwise, you may ruin it completely one day;
  4. Avoid previous habits. If you liked eating pizza while watching your favorite TV show, stop watching it. If you bought a pie when going to work, change the route. The less you deal with old habits, the better;
  5. Track the results. This is another right action on your list of healthy behaviors. Having a record of what you have already done can keep you motivated, find your strengths and see the areas you still need to improve;
  6. Overcome roadblocks. Creating a habit means doing something regularly, no matter what. Make a plan B in case something goes wrong to still be on track. For instance, you decided to run in the morning, but one day it's raining. Do something different to burn calories and keep to your habit.

Every time you may want to give up, just imagine yourself once you reached the goal and remember why you do it and for what purpose.

Setbacks happen to everyone. Just focus on your final goal, and keep moving.

Give yourself a reward after reaching each of your small goals, and constantly set challenges to achieve better and better results.