Overall, crime is down in Crown Heights, and in Brooklyn as a whole.
There has been 10.7% decrease in crime reported to Crown Heights' 77th Precinct, and a 34.8% decrease reported to the neighborhood's 71st Precinct during the week August 16 through August 22 compared to the same period last year.
Across the two precincts, there have been 40 incidents reported, including murder, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny and grand larceny auto.
During the same period last year, there were 51 incidents reported, including 15 incidents of felony assault and 11 of burglary.
There have been 11 murders and 30 rapes reported this year in the neighborhood, compared with 21 murders and 30 rapes reported by the same date in 2020.
Looking at the 28-day cycle, there has been a 22% decrease in incident reports at the 77th Precinct and 18% decrease at the 71st Precinct this year on last.
The most common incident reported over the week-long period was grand larceny, with 12 reports. That is the same number of reports as the same period last year.
Today, Friday, August 27, the 71st Precinct tweeted a photo of a man who is missing in the neighborhood and called on the public for help locating him.
The 77th Precinct tweeted on August 25 that it was looking for the public's help to identify a man who exposed himself to a 13-year-old on the bus.
Across Brooklyn:
Across the borough, there have been 539 incidents reported between August 16 through August 22, according to NYPD's CompStat, including seven rapes in Brooklyn South and two murders and one rape in Brooklyn North. Across Brooklyn, there were 56 robberies and 133 felony assaults.
In the headlines:
A devastated son who started a fundraiser for his mother's funeral costs after she was fatally shot at her Crown Heights home last week has raised more than $10,000 from the community. 24-year-old Janse Joseph's mother, Limose Dart, was coming home from her work as a home health aide on Thursday and was almost on her doorstep when she was shot in the chest on St. Johns Place in Crown Heights. She was taken to hospital where she died from her injuries.
A memorial has been set up at the spot where 70-year-old Brenda Whidbee was hit by a car and dragged several feet. The Brownsville community say she was a pillar in the neighborhood. Neighbors say Whidbee was sitting on the steps of her apartment Tuesday night when a car came up along Thomas S Boyland Street, jumped the curb and struck her.
A teenager has been charged with murder for a deadly shooting in Brooklyn last year. Police arrested a 17-year-old boy for a shooting that occurred last November. The shooting, which took place on November 22, left one woman dead, and six others hurt.
A 16-year-old boy shot behind the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz in Brooklyn has died, police said Wednesday. Jaquan Gause was the most seriously wounded of three teens hit by gunfire inside a luxury black SUV stopped at a red light at Schenck and Atlantic Aves. in East New York about 12:30 a.m. Aug. 16.