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Brooklyn Democratic Party Chair Endorses Cuomo For Mayor

Brooklyn Democratic Party Chair Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn said the city needs "a battle-tested and visionary Democrat to keep leading New York City through some of its most challenging times."
Andrew Cuomo with Brooklyn Democratic Party Chair Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn on March 16, 2025.

Brooklyn Democratic Party Chair Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn on Sunday endorsed former governor Andrew Cuomo for mayor, a reversal for the Brooklyn politician after supporting New York City Mayor Eric Adams for many years. 

Bichotte Hermelyn said she thinks Cuomo would make New York safer and more affordable, and the city needs "a battle-tested and visionary Democrat to keep leading New York City through some of its most challenging times."

“Andrew Cuomo has steadfastly served as an exemplary public servant for the betterment of our City and State for decades, starting right here in Brooklyn where he began as a community advocate,” said Bichotte Hermelyn. "During his tenure, he led our city through the darkest depths of the COVID pandemic, while instituting real change that made New York City safer, stronger and more liveable and affordable for all."

The two met at Junior's Restaurant in Downtown Brooklyn on Sunday. Other Brooklyn elected officials and party leaders who have endorsed Cuomo include: Assembly Member Latrice Walker, Assembly Member Erik Dilan, Assembly Member William Colton, Assembly Member Susan Zhuang, Council Member Farah Louis, Council Member Darlene Mealy, former Brooklyn Democratic Party Chairman Frank Seddio, Brooklyn Democratic Party Vice Chair and District Leader Henry Butler, among others.

“Brooklyn is home to the largest number of Democrats in any county in the nation and I am humbled to have the support of its great Democratic leader, Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn, at this critical moment for our city,”  Cuomo said.

