Fahd Ghazy is a Yemeni national who has been detained at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, since February 2002 when he was only 17 years old. He is one of the last remaining prisoners to have been detained as a juvenile.
Fahd was cleared for transfer by President Bush in 2007, and again by the Obama administration in 2009. He is now 29 years old and has spent over one-third of his life in Guantánamo without charge.
"Every prominent national security agency in the U.S. government has unanimously declared that he can leave Guantánamo," said Omar Farah, Ghazy's attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights."But because the Obama administration has refused to repatriate Yeminis or resettle them in third countries, he's trapped there, almost entirely because of his citizenship."
The Bertha Justice Institute at the Center for Constitutional Rights is proud to present a special Freedom Flicks program on Wednesday, January 14, at the Brooklyn Public Library using art and film to bring the rarely told, human stories of Guantánamo prison.
The night will begin with a private reception/gallery exhibit featuring artworks by artist and writer Molly Crabapple, photographer Debi Cornwall and former Guantánamo detainee and CCR client Djamel Ameziane, followed by a screening of the short film "Waiting for Fahd."
Afterward, CCR Staff Attorney Omar Farah will be joined by Molly Crabapple and Debi Cornwall to discuss the role of art, law, and storytelling, in a climate of restricted access, fear and secrecy, in challenging dominate narratives of Guantánamo and surfacing the human impact of indefinite detention.
Waiting for Fahd & Special Program
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
6:30pm — 8:45pm
Doors open at 6:30pm for the private reception/gallery exhibit.
Refreshments will be provided.
Screening starts at 7:15pm sharp, followed by discussion and Q&A
For more information and to register, go here.