This video, which shows two NYPD officers restraining and arresting a man after he got off of a bus in the Bronx on Sunday, went viral within days of it being posted.
No official statement has been released by the NYPD about the reason the officers stopped the man. And the man states repeatedly that he showed the officers his ticket and I.D. and that he did nothing wrong.
What do you think? Was the NYPD's use of force excessive? Was this this a classic case of racial profiling?
Should the man have handled the situation with the police differently, and do you think that would have changed the officers' reaction?
What if there was no one there recording the incident on video, would there have been a different outcome?
Either way, the footage has caused a firestorm of criticism of NYPD's policing.
An online petition started Tuesday addressed to Mayor de Blasio and Police Commissioner William Bratton calling for an investigation into the incident.
If you have questions regarding community safety issues in Central Brooklyn and/or NYPD policing policies, come out to the Town Hall Safety Meeting tonight in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, where commanding officers will be on hand to address your concerns.