1. Weather: The thermometer warms a little bit this week over last week. But that means more snow, which is predicted for Tuesday and Thursday
2. Alternate side of the street parking regulations are suspended Monday, March 2, for snow removal. Parking meter regulations remain in full effect.
3. Final Call for BK Youth Fellowship! The Brooklyn Community Foundation is launching the Brooklyn Youth Fellowship, a new project part of Invest in Youth program. Currently, the Foundation is seeking nonprofits to apply to host 2-4 fellows between the ages of 16-24 for 10 months. Hosts will identify young people with a strong interest in civil service and social justice, who are representative of our Anchors of Change (court-involved youth, immigrant youth, young people from under-resourced neighborhoods). Selected nonprofits will receive $2,500 in operating support per fellow, plus a $5,000 stipend for each fellow. In 2015, we will provide awards for up to 20 fellows and 5-10 nonprofit partners. The deadline to apply is Monday, March 2. Please contact Senior Program Associate Prachi Patankar at [email protected] or 718-480-7509 to receive a copy of the application. Learn more here.??
4.Community Board 3 covering the neighborhood Bedford Stuyvesant will hold its monthly board meeting on Monday, March 2, 7:00pm, Restoration Plaza, 1368 Fulton Street, basement level.

5. Also, join the Brooklyn Community Foundation on March 4 to learn more about the Incubator Project. The project is part of the new Brooklyn Accelerator program. The Incubator Project will provide emerging Brooklyn nonprofits and community leaders with free co-working space within in their office at 1000 Dean Street for one year and a stipend of up to $5,000. RSVP for the March 4 Open House to learn more!
6. Economic Development and Employment Committee as well as the Health, Environment and Social Services Committee of Community Board 2 will this week. The ED Committee: Tuesday, March 3, Long Island University, Metcalfe Hall, Jonas Board Room, Flatbush and DeKalb avenues.The economic development committee will received two presentations. Lyndell Pittman, center director of Brooklyn Job Corps Academy, will provide an introduction to their no-cost education and career technical training program; Health, Environment and Social Services Committee will meet Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 6:00; First Floor Board Room, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, 121 DeKalb Avenue at St. Felix Street. Zeeshan Ott, deputy chief of staff for State Senator Daniel Squadron, will brief the committee on proposed legislation (S2500-2015, LICH Act) to require community input when there is a potential hospital closure.