Photo: NYC & Company
How well do you know your city? No, I didn't say borough, I said city, which includes all five boroughs.
As a Central Brooklynite, how often (or how likely is it) do you visit the Bronx or Staten Island? Or let's even talk about going outside of the borough, when was the last time you went to Coney Island?
If you're like most New Yorkers-- natives and transplants alike-- most likely you know two places fairly well: Manhattan and the area of your borough which encompasses your neighborhood and the neighborhoods around it.
Well, NYC & Company is working to change that with a campaign it will announce today that encourages NYC residents to tour the five boroughs.
The campaign, called "See Your City," will feature stylized posters on bus shelters, banners on light poles, and a video that will run in taxis urging local residents to "go somewhere new for a change" within their own city, reported The New York Times
The marketing department over at NYC & Company thinks, as an NYC resident, you don't get around your city enough and it's high time you learned! Further, they figure, getting the city's local residents to tour these areas first will give the areas economic life, thereby making it further attractive to tourists!
I guess they've finally figured out the formula for what makes New York City so cool to outsiders: New York City residents! Now if they could only get the residents to spread their love around a bit more to other boroughs...