WHAT: A Caribbean Book Fest
WHEN: Sunday, June 8, 2:00pm - 8:00pm
WHERE: Medgar Evers College, 1650 Bedford Avenue, Bklyn
HOW MUCH: $10 adults, $5 children
2:00 Space on the Shelf - Creativity and commerce as it relates to Caribbean writers and the Publishing Industry
Avril Ashton - Secret Cravings Publishing
Ashton Franklin - Franklin & Franklin Publishing
Johanna Ingalls - Akashic Books
Moderator: Ron Kavanaugh, publisher, Mosaic Literary Magazine
3:00 Verse in Print - Where the poem will live, in traditional publishing or in digital media.
Jason Price (Belize), leaves of love
Monique Simon (Antigua & Barbuda), T.H.E. Carib Kindling: Fire Lights!
Mervyn Taylor (Trinidad & Tobago), The Waving Gallery
Moderator: Anthony 'Wendell' DeRiggs, author, Reflections and Ole Talk
4:00 Speaking in Tongues - Translation in formal and informal language
Adam Mansbach (USA), Go de Rass to Sleep
Kellie Magnus (Jamaica), Go de Rass to Sleep
Anthony Polanco (Panama)
Yolaine St. Fort (Haiti), For the Crown of Their Heads
Moderator: Dhanpaul Narine, president, Shri Trimurti Bhavan
Adult Readers
3:00 Lest We Forget - When that's all you have memory, memorial and memoir
Lloyd Crooks (Trinidad & Tobago), Ice and Eyes in the Sun
Hubert Guscott (Jamaica), Mystical Speed
D C Campbell (Grenada), Blood of Belvidere
Carole Boyce Davies, author, Caribbean Spaces: Escapes from Twilight Zone - Moderator
4:00 (Re)defining Home - Caribbean-American writers on place and voice
Negus Tehuti Adeyemi (US/Barbados), Soularadiance
Nyasha Laing (US/Belize), The Year of Buriels
Idrissa Simmonds (Canada/Haiti/Jamaica), Heirloom
Keisha Gaye Anderson, poet; filmmaker - Moderator
5:00 Words and Colours - The happy pairing of visual artists who write.
Anna Ruth Henriques (Jamaica), The Book of Mechtilde
Deborah Jack (St. Marteen/St. Martin)
Iyaba Mandingo (Antigua & Barbuda), Sins of My Fathers
Michèle Voltaire Marcellin (Haiti), Lost and Found
Patricia Belcon, folklorist/mas maker, Caribbean Research Center - Moderator
6:00 Wordsmiths - New Voices. New Tales.
Annette Vendryes Leach (Panama), Song of the Shaman
Petra Lewis (Trinidad & Tobago), The Sons and Daughters of Ham
Katia D. Ulysse (Haiti), Drifting
7:00 Get Up! Stand Up! - Texts of Empowerment II
Adissa AJA Andwele (Barbados), Just Words
Arielle John (Trinidad & Tobago), Sea, Land and Mountains
Michèle Voltaire Marcellin (Haiti), Lost and Found
Hermina Marcellin (St. Lucia)
David Mills (US/Jamaica), Sudden Country
Ras Osagyefo (Jamaica), Psalms of Osagyefo
Maria Rodriguez (Puerto Rico), Brooklyn's Daughter
Ras Yah Yah (St. Lucia)
Young Readers
2:00 (Under 8yrs.): Culture Making - Literature That Defines Us
Kellie Magnus (Jamaica), Little Lion Goes for Gold
Carol Ottley-Mitchell (St. Kitts - Nevis), Chee Chee in Paradise
Ibi Zoboi (Haiti), A is for Ayiti
Moderator: Karlene Largie, Union of Jamaica Alumni Associations
3:00 Seeing Self - Illustrators as storytellers
Ricardo Cortes (Mexico)
Laura James (Jamaica), Anna Carries Water
Joseph Zoboi (Trinidad & Tobago)
Moderator: Ingrid Charles, Aruban Antillean Association
4:00 Coming of Age - Journeys into the Unknown
Chen Chin (Jamaica), The Adventures of Flat Head
CJ Farley (Jamaica), Game World
Joanne Skerrett (Dominica), Abraham's Treasure
Clyde Viechweg (Grenada), Caribbean Twilight: Tales of the Supernatural
5:00 New Voices - Open Mic
A stage, a microphone, a poem; a world of possibilities
Moderator: Rose October Edun, Guyana Cultural Association