A major component of the Nostrand Avenue Reconstruction Project has been completed, with the repaving of Nostrand Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and Halsey Street!
Bed-Stuy residents can begin to breath a sigh of relief!
The $23 million project by the New York City Department of Design and Construction that started in spring 2012 was one of the most arduous (and necessary) infrastructure undertakings Bed-Stuy has seen in two decades.

And as Bed-Stuy's 180,000 residents can attest, for the past 30 months, travel along the Nostrand Avenue corridor between Flushing and Atlantic avenues has been well, unpleasant, to put it mildly.
For the past 2 1/2 years, motorists had to contend with 12 blocks of potholes, traffic jams and the constant fear of a collision. And as for the businesses that ran along that corridor? They also took a big hit, as they saw parking and foot traffic greatly reduced.
But according to Michael Lambert, executive director of the Bed-Stuy Gateway Business Improvement District, the nightmare is finally coming to an end.

"This is a major phase of completion, in terms of the pavement being done," said Lambert. "You've got traffic signals that need to be finalized as far as their relocation, and they're still working on correcting any deficiencies in the workmanship. Also, there's a drainage pipe that needs to be installed on the Atlantic side."
"But for the most part, the project is finished."
What was added?
- Water Mains
- New sidewalks, curb cuts and pedestrian ramps
- Hydrants
- Catch basins
- Storm Sewers
- New Traffic Lights
- Re-pavement
Lambert added that what the BID will focus on next are the amenities around beautifying the area, such as the addition of trees. He said the BID also will be working with the businesses that have been adversely impacted over the past couple of years.
"What we do plan to do over the course of the next month is meet with some of the merchants to target their specific issues now that this project is completed," he said. "We want to know how the BID can help them get back on their feet and regain some sense of normalcy, as far as providing services for the community and revenue for themselves."
UPDATE 10/21, 2:00pm:
To clarify, the portion of Nostrand Avenue that was repaved and completed was the four-block stretch between Halsey and Atlantic avenues-- the area that exists within the confines of the BID.
The five-block stretch between Greene Avenue and Madison is unfinished, and according to a spokesperson at the New York City Department of Design and Construction field office, still requires deep sewer work and paving and will not be completed for another six weeks.
"We are about 85-90 percent complete with the curb and sidewalk; the road base is about 25 percent complete," the DDC field officer told The Brooklyn Reader. "We are anticipating that within another 6 weeks, will be complete with the concrete road base, but it all depends upon the weather, because we cannot work when it rains."
There's also a planned installation of another Select Bus Service stop between Gates and Monore, he said.
"After that is completed, we would like to do asphalt paving, then the pavement marking will be installed. And finally, there's punchlist work-- that's incidental where you walk the side and find the last-minute things that need to get done.
"We're hoping to be finished within the next 4-6 weeks. But again, everything is all based on weather constraints."