One of our Readers, a Bedford-Stuyvesant resident, made us aware of a letter he received on Thursday from the New York State Democratic Committee. He contacted us, because he found the tone and the content of the letter to be unusual:
It reads, "Who you vote for is your secret. But whether you vote or not is public record."
(Okay... where is this leading?)
It continues, "Many organizations monitor turnout in your neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors."
(Wow... Yes, turnout can be much better in the district. But isn't that true pretty much across the board... is this supposed to be a guilt trip?).
The letter goes on to detail important information to know on election day. Then it ends by saying that "they" will be reviewing official voting records after the election to determine whether the recipient in fact voted!
"This was so weird to me," said Reginald. "I felt less like an informational letter on voting, and more like a mild threat.
"I've never received a letter of this nature and instead of inspiring me to want to vote. It felt like they were saying they were watching me, like the IRS," he said.
The letter does not include a contact name, number or address and is not signed.
So, the Brooklyn Reader contacted the New York State Democratic Committee to ask a few questions regarding the letter's intent. The receptionist asked what the call was concerning, and then said they would call back.
It has been almost 24 hours and no return phone call.The New York State Democratic Committee is located in midtown Manhattan, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is featured prominently on the website's front page.
So, who authorized this letter? Was it Cuomo's camp?
Well, we may never know the answers to these questions, because in the past few hours, the organization has taken down its address and contact number.
Did you receive this letter in the mail? If so, what do you think of it?