Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the U.S. Congress today over what he claims is classified information he obtained around Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Republican Speaker John Boehner was the one who invited Netanyahu to address Congress but without informing President Barack Obama nor the White House. And the president is furious, as the speech will take place just as the US and Iran hammer out the negotiations deal behind closed doors.
"The purpose of my address to Congress... is to speak up about a potential deal with Iran that could threaten the survival of Israel," said Netanyahu. "My speech is not intended to show any disrespect to President Obama."
However, many in the U.S. are interested in what Netanyahu might have to say-- namely the Jewish communities and including Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams:
"The impending address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a joint session of Congress has drawn an unusually high level of attention and debate," said Adams in a statement on Monday. "As the proud representative of the largest Jewish population outside of Israel, I feel it is appropriate to voice my opinion on this important matter.
"In my view, House Speaker John Boehner acted in violation to diplomatic protocol by by passing the White House in his invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu. His actions have been the predominant source of this controversy," he said.
"In spite of this, I believe it is important for all Americans, including our leaders in the House of Representatives and Senate, to listen to Prime Minister Netanyahu's address. Israel is more than our ally and friend; their safety and security is at the nexus of the overall conditions of the Mideast, which I have witnessed personally in my past visits to the country.
Furthermore, the many global threats in the region impel us to thoroughly consider all relevant perspectives, rather than play politics," said Adams.
"I hope to discuss these and other issues with Prime Minister Netanyahu on an upcoming trip I am planning to Israel, and I formally invite him to share a dialogue with all Brooklynites here in Brooklyn."