A handful of new charter schools have begun their search for private spaces after Mayor Bill de Blasio last week announced plans to bar them from using city-owned public school buildings, writes The Post.
One such school out of East New York, Brooklyn-- the Collegiate Academy for Math and Personal Awareness Charter School-- already has identified a space.
Viola Abbott, founder and principal of the CAMPA middle school serving students in fifth through eighth grade, says she's fine with the independence.
Abbot said she had begun seeking out private space instead of trying to share space in a city public school building well before de Blasio's announcement.
CAMPA will spend 12 to 15 percent of its student operating aid to lease three, one-story 9,000-square-foot modular classroom buildings from the Bethlehem Baptist Church, at 1962 Linden Blvd, beginning fall 2014.
"We'll take the space. We're pleased to be there."