"Shalom, Bruchim Ha-baim (Welcome)," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Hebrew for in his opening remarks to the room full of teens.
On Sunday, the secretary general spoke via video to more than 1500 Jewish teens from around the world who were attending CTeen's international convention in Brooklyn.
From Paris, he offered a message of solidarity and encouraged the teens to further their humanitarian work within their communities.

"A special welcome also to the 100 young people from Paris. The thoughts of us all are with those who have lost family and friends in the recent horrific terrorist attacks in that city," Ban Ki-moon told the crowd. "The United Nations stands ready to work with you,"
CTeen, Chabad's Teen Network, reaches 10,000 Jewish teenagers weekly through its 150 chapters worldwide
"[The convention was] an unforgettable learning, memorable experience that made us grow in Judaism and faith", said Rochelle Zwolinski, 17, of CTeen's Fairfax, VA chapter.