"On The 2nd Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave To Me " For the next 12 days leading up to Christmas, BK Reader will highlight 12 local business across Central and East Brooklyn that are great for holiday shopping!

So the holiday season is here, and after months of insanity, deaths, hatred and general weirdness, the love of the holiday season is a welcome respite from all that left a bad taste in our mouths.
Shopping local is still the buzzword this year, and though Cyber Monday is clearly the opportunity to order gifts from halfway across the country or from ya know, China, the holiday season is still a great opportunity to support local businesses, while also picking up unique gifts for friends and family. Brooklyn is alive this time of the year, with houses and apartment buildings dressed up, major arteries sporting christmas decorations, while the spirit in the air is both crispy and exciting.
It's still a major stink in the air as well, wafting since the presidential election in November. The collective system is still in shock, and the bigots have suddenly come out of the woodwork, like a bunch of bandwagon Dallas Cowboys fans, feeling emboldened that a kindred spirit will soon call 1600 Pennsylvania avenue home.
As opposed to keeping a low-profile and putting his team together, Mr. Trump has been engaging in Twitter beefs with Saturday Night Live and China. Yeah, Trump is Twitter beefing with a country, like he's Drake and China is Meek Mills, but I guess that's just his style.
If Donald Trumps ascension to the White House kills your holiday spirit, then imagine what happens when he's not president-elect Trump, but actually the sitting president. So don't let nothing kill your spirit and take some suggestions from this list and get something for your "day ones" and maybe that new thing that's turning into a legit, boo thing.
FYI, if you're going to holiday dump, do it now and do it in person. If you break up after December 10th, or do it via snapchat or tex message, then you're a complete savage.

Stuyvesant Indie Bazaar
376 Tompkins Ave, December 11th & 18th, 12pm-7pm (BedStuy)
Shop LOCAL, Shop HANDMADE. Shop this winter holiday at the 2016 StuyIndiBazaar with small community businesses & quality artisans in the recently opened Life Wellness Center. The Bazaar is currently a collaboration between Harriet's By Hekima, Black Girls Sew, INI Vibez, Coconut Baby, Khadija Hands Project and YOU. It's a workshop series that offers a full slate of programming each Sunday, with December 11th featuring Love Thyself, a cannabis workshop given by Saki from Tainted Love.
This Sunday Deember 11th is Self Care Sunday with #LoveThySelf Workshop Series
LoveThySelf has been a seasonal wellness festival and workshop series created this year by Khadija of the Khadija Hands Project and Saki of Tainted Love, LLC to bring information and tools of selfcare and wellness to Brooklyn.
LoveThySelf partnered with SIB to complete the year with its winter edition at the Stuyvesant Indi Bazaar. Workshops will include
1PM - 2PM Intro to Tropical Flower Essences with Arvolyn Hill of Gold Feather Hoops
$15 Entry can be purchased at https://www.goldfeathershop.com/product/intro-to-tropical-flower-essences
2PM - 3PM The Healing Paradox Workshop with Bless Roxwell of LifeBEam Energetics
https://thehealingparadox.brownpapertickets.com/2PM - 3PM Share Your Waters with Rabiat Onikute of WHiTch River$20 entry Share Your Waters is a womens circle designed to explain the various business types, and structures, entry levels and success guides. Most importantly to encourage her to identify her preferences and dive into her flow!3PM - 4PM Cannabis in the New Era of Medical and Recreational Legal Acceptance: What does this mean for you, your teens and young adults?Saki from Tainted Love will break myths, share cold hard truths and foster a safe space for parents and their youth to have honest informative conversations about Cannabis in the 21st Century. This is a FREE workshop for you and your teen or young adult or even if you're not a parent, there is great information here! (Donations are welcome!)
It's a lot going on, from amazing vendors and workshops, to wellness sessions and practitioners. To get the full scope of the bazaar, you should visit the Facebook page by clicking here.
Check out more shopping options from:
Day 1: One of a Find Vintage