"When I Dare To Be Powerful - To Use My Strength In The Service Of My Vision, Then It Becomes Less And Less Important Whether I Am Afraid."
Including the words "powerful," "strength" and "vision" in the first part of the sentence, Audre Lorde then addresses the importance ~ or non-importance ~ or more accurately, the putting into perspective ~ of her own fear. And well, really....there isn't anything I can add to that.
She sums it up quite nicely, "it" being the importance of having a vision that can pull you right through the fears or other sorts of obstacles that might pop up along the way.
Audre Lorde was a poet, feminist and civil rights activist; born in February 1934 in NYC to Caribbean parents. Her poetry began to be widely published in the 1960's.
She continued writing, teaching and speaking through the 70's and in 1980 co-founded "The Kitchen Table: Women Of Color Press." Later in her life, in a naming ceremony, she had adopted the African name "Gambda Adisa," which means "Warrior She Who Makes Her Meaning Known." In addition to several honors in her lifetime, from 1991-92 she was State Poet of New York.
I hope you find this quote inspiring! Have a GREAT week!