The Most Effective Way To Do It, Is To Do It ~ Amelia Earhart

In keeping with the theme of "jes' gettin' 'er done," I present Amelia Earhart, American aviatrix and adventurer.
Born in 1897 in Atchison, Kansas, she was a tomboy who showed a taste for adventure from a young age. She lived during a time when little girls were expected to just "be nice" and conform to social conventions. Amelia literally, and figuratively "flew in the face" of those conventions.
She bought her first airplane at age 24, and proceeded to break and set many records for flight distances and heights. In 1928, she was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo. Over her flying career, she was awarded many other distinctions and medals for her actions and her bravery.
In 1937, during a record setting flight around the world, she and her plane, along with the navigator who accompanied her, went missing in the mid-Pacific Ocean. An extensive search was conducted for several months but no evidence of what happened was never found, nor has in the 77 years since.
Even her ending was full of adventure and daring. Long before "just doing it" was just an advertising slogan, Amelia was already an inspiration to just "Do It."
You just don't know what you are capable of and what you can create until you do it... So, go do it... now...