"The Secret To Life Is Meaningless Unless We Discover It Ourselves." W. Somerset Maugham was initially a medical student who switched paths to go on to a successful writing career in the 1930's.
This quote is incredibly profound. Don't we all sometimes want to let someone else know what is the best thing to do in order to avoid pain? It is critical for parents to do this for their children, but even in that case, there comes a point when the child learns to make their own choices.
Each of us is on our own path, and we have our own unique lessons to learn. Often we might think that circumstances shape us, but what if circumstances are revealing something to us.
What if each of us, as we wend our way through life, negotiating through events and interactions, were being taken on our very own "Magical Mystery Tour," one that is practically custom-made to not only help us grow, but also to reveal secrets that can help us understand the meanings of our own lives?
You might ask, why a giraffe? I say, why not? :) Tribe of Giraffe wanted to be seen this week and I felt a giraffe strongly urging me to do its painting. Then the quote showed up and it all felt right. I think the giraffe's long neck symbolizes the need for extended time and introspection to process these kinds of experiences.
May beautiful secrets be revealed to you this week!