I dread washing my hair! After detangling and washing my hair, I look around on the floor at all of the hair that has shed and pull the hair out of the drain and I swear I there is enough to donate to two small children.
However as much as I complain there are others that have it way worse. I have had several conversations with moms about postpartum shedding and who knew?!?
My mouth literally dropped open when one mom told me that when taking out her braids and entire braid came off her scalp! (I would have passed out right there in the bathroom). In her situation, she was breastfeeding and normally shedding is held at bay until the baby is weaned from nursing, but everyone is different and reacts to the whole process differently.
One of the first things to know about postpartum shedding is that it is normal and is only temporary. You may notice sheading around three months after the birth of your baby. Though your hair loss may seem dramatic, you are not going bald (though some have ended up with bald spots).
During pregnancy the hormones our bodies produce cause the growth stage to be prolonged. After the birth of your baby and the drop in hormones more of your hair goes into the resting phase and sheds. This shedding phase usually last from three to six months. You can expect to have your normal hair cycle back by twelve months after birth.
Here are some tips that can help you through your loss:
- If possible, temporarily stop using harsh chemicals and dyes that can cause further breakage (Light ponytails or hair clips are best during this phase)
- Prior to shampooing, try finger detangling with coconut oil or olive oil. Finger detangling allows you to be extra gentle with your hair. If you must use a comb, use a wide toothcomb.
- Deep conditioning is key. Moisture should be a part of each step of your hair regimen.
- If you notice more than normal hair loss, consult your doctor or dermatologist.
For Mommy Questions or for hair growth stimulants and natural deep conditioning recipes contact [email protected].