Hello! I hope you had a warm, happy holiday!
I am taking orders for pet portraits! If you would like one by Christmas, please contact me soon, as I have space in my schedule for 3 more! Please view more of my pet portraits here.
I will admit, that up until a few years ago, I would have rejected this kind of a thought because I thought it was telling me to not want anything. To not want to do more, be more or have more. I thought it was a veiled admonition that I was too selfish. Thankfully, I have since come to understand this quote otherwise. The first basic idea I would like to showcase here is that we are magnificent beings! We have incredible powers of imagination and the ability to create what we want in life, whether it is something for ourselves, our friends and family or for humanity. (Oh yes we do.)
AND, an important key to this is getting that we need to understand how much we already have. If we have enough food, enough shelter, enough money, enough of any desirable thing, it is SO important to understand that this is wealth in itself! It may help to understand and remember that about 90% of the rest of the world lives in the most abject poverty. That in this country, even those who are considered "poor" still often have cell phones, cars, kitchens with a refrigerator and a stove. We, here in the west, pretty much live like kings and queens when you think about it.
Another important level to this proverb, is that when we appreciate what we have, we actually raise our vibration. This is a subtle, yet palpable aspect to our very real powers of creation. We all have the choice to see what we already have as "not enough" or we can see it all as "more than enough." Even if we want to make changes, what we have, right now, is very, very good! When you allow yourself to feel how incredibly rich you are, by appreciating everything and everyone around you in this way, you raise your vibration, you influence your own mind to believe in even more bounty and..........I'm not making any promises here, but, you may actually become more magnetic to those things you have yet to see happen in your life.
And, by the way, I hope you like the new, rich illustration this week. You may not know this, but I do pet portraits, and usually I get asked to do dogs. I finally decided to simply do a painting of a cat, and while initially I did not intend to use it in the lettering project, when it was finished, I thought that this kitty was demonstrating the idea of enough being a feast. She has a comfy cushion to rest her little head on, and her life is good!
Have a wonderfully bounteous week!