Most of us seek weekend fun, and here in Brooklyn, it's enough options to make your head spin and vomit. Since we'll still be in the midst of a mini heatwave come this weekend, it's a good chance that you were planted firmly in the house all week, splayed out in front of the AC, watching Netflix til your eyes went fuzzy. Which is a great reason to get out the house for the weekly thing called the weekend. I just checked the weekend weather report, and it's still gonna be a scorcher, but personally, I think fools and heatwaves should be suffered gladly, for we're wise enough to hydrate and read my weekend recommendations!
Really hot weather is part of the Brooklyn summer package and you know that already, so complaining about it is like moving on top of a bar in Bed-Stuy and then complaining about the noise. Don't be that guy/gal, but do check out some of these recommendations. You can thank me by having fun this weekend!

VERBOTEN, Soup Party. 11pm. $Free and up. 54 North 11th Street (Williamsburg)
Derrick Carter is a Godfather of Techno Music. Not the glo-stick version, but the deep, dark and funky brand of the electronic music form. If you're not heading to Detroit anytime soon and want to be enveloped by the Techno that hypnotizes in a soulful manner, then you should definitely check him out in Williamsburg this weekend! It's other DJs on the dockett, like Love & Logic and Friends Within, but the highlight of the night is going to be Mr. Carter.

THE PAPERBOX, The Tenth Orb, 17 Meadow St., $20, 10pm-5am. (East Willy)
If you like space travel. If you like Djs and live music that transports you to the outer galaxy, then this is a party for you. Whether or not you're into dwarf planets don't make a difference, because this party celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the discovery of "Eris", an icy orb in outerspace...which doesn't mean Yonkers, if you're living in Prospect Heights. As it says on their event page "to celebrate, we shall transform The Paper Box into a galactic environment with 3D art, live visual performances, and of course, the finest deep, progressive, and trance beats available in this solar system." If you attend, share some images with us @thebrooklynreader on IG.

PROSPECT PARK, Adoptapalooza, 11am-5pm, $Free...go getcho pet, (Prospect Park)
You like dags? (name that movie and get a gift). You watch cat videos on the Internet? You almost stole a puppy at brunch last week? Well stop being a potential criminal and go adopt a pet. Prospect Park is the place and the animals come with shots and the stuff you normally have to pay for. If you take pics of the wonderful animals, please share it with us on IG at @TheBrooklynReader.

GROOVE ALLEY, Hanover Pl, 5pm-11pm, $Free, $5 headphone rental, (Downtown BK)
Have you never been to a silent disco? Well, this could be your introduction to it! Everybody rents a pair of headphones, and has the option of tuning into three DJs. No music in the air, only music in your ear. The headliner is Talib Kweli, but it's also DJ Chela, DJ Beto and Joro Boro. It's also food trucks, like Kimchi Taco and Sweet Chili and Brooklyn Beer on tap. If you wanna do something new this weekend, this should be it! and it's daytime action, which is good and good.

X MARKS THE LOT 39, Africainoir, 39 Knickerbocker Ave, $8, (Bushwick)
This party needs no introduction, but regardless, you should know that they bring the boogie, and paired with The Happy Show, which brings a blazing selection of African Funk, Soul, Disco and Psyrock, you're destined to have a bucket of fun, with a thicket of fun in the sun, since it's an outdoor party
You should probably go to their FB event page by clicking HERE and get more info about some dope, Saturday, daytime action in the land where love is spread.

UNION POOL, 484 Union Ave, $Free, 2pm-7pm, (Williamsburg)
Have you not heard about Jonathan toubin's NIGHT TRAIN parties in NYC? Have you only been to Union Pool at night, shat drunk and being mad agro? Well this is an opportunity for you to stop being a douche and join the civilized world. And it's free, so you can use the invisible entry fee to buy booze...just don't revert to the ways that got you banned from the joint back in 2012. The bands are free. The taco truck is stocked and your friends are ready. In fact, hit up the FB event page by clicking HERE.

THE WELL, Tiki Disco, 2pm-10pm, $10, (East Williamsburg
This is a quote from their ticket page
and they used caps because they should. Hit the FB event page HERE
And that's my picks for the weekend. 7 for your soul! have fun, stay hydrated and love each other :)