Powerhouse Arts is set to launch the Brooklyn Fine Art Print Fair, a new print-focused fair, from March 27-30.
The event aims to reaffirm New York’s role as a key hub for fine art print fairs while expanding opportunities for printmakers, collectors and publishers, according to a press release.
PHA, home to multiple print shops including the Powerhouse Arts Print Shop, the Digital Print Lab and the MGC Community Print Studio, has long served as a hub for artists producing ambitious print-based works in Gowanus.
The new fair will offer renewed opportunities for artists, educators, collectors and print professionals to connect.
“This first annual Brooklyn Fine Art Print Fair will showcase some of the most innovative printers in the world while also allowing first-time print enthusiasts access to our in-house fabrication shops and studios," said PHA Printshop Director and fair leader Luther Davis.
With Fine Arts Baltimore as a partner, the inaugural event will feature a diverse lineup, including 41 international print-focused art galleries, 28 independent artists and book arts makers and six academic print departments.
“If there are no opportunities for younger, emerging artists and galleries, then there is no future for the sector. Powerhouse Arts is one of very few organizations that can and is willing to put a fair together with this intentionality. This marks a unique and exciting opportunity to rally the print community around this shared
vision," said Ann Shafer of FAB.