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Brooklyn Museum's Mad Libs are a Game-Changer During Quarantine

To help residents beat the 'Quarantine Blues,' Brooklyn Museum presents a contemporary spin on a classic game!

As the world quarantines and socializing largely shifts to online platforms, museums now struggle with how to make art and community as enjoyable from behind a computer screen.

The Brooklyn Museum's bright idea? A Mad Libs activity!

The game was created in collaboration with Penguin Young Readers and inspired by the museum's own collection. Mad Libs instructs players to fill in the blanks of a story using words of specific parts of speech, creating hilarious stories.

"We've created a zany word game to help people beat the quarantine blues, as part of an effort to develop new ways to stay connected to our audiences and spark joy from afar," said Vyoma Venkataraman,
communications manager at The Brooklyn Museum.

Mad Libs, COVID-19, online games, Brooklyn Museum, learning programs

The game is free and accessible from the museum's site. They includes three activities titled, "Can't Wait to go to the Brooklyn Museum," "Museum Time Machine," and "Let's Get Creative," which can be enjoyed by both children and adults.

As fun as this version of Mad Libs may be, this activity is part of the museum's larger quarantine goal of expanding their online platform to keep audiences engaged with the art world.

Whether it is through online learning programs, downloadable art activities or remote-access cultural experiences, accessible art has become a priority for institutions of learning and exploration.

A link to a downloadable Mad Libs PDF is provided here.
