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NYC’s Rise in Auto Thefts Puzzles Experts

Since the beginning of the year, rates of reported car thefts in New York City have climbed by 60 percent—the biggest increase of any of the seven major felonies tracked by the NYPD, according to their weekly numbers.

Since the beginning of the year, rates of reported car thefts in New York City have climbed by 60 percent—the biggest increase of any of the seven major felonies tracked by the NYPD, according to their weekly numbers.

Though precincts across the city have seen increases, the hotspots for theft in the city are concentrated in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens.

In Brooklyn, the 75th Precinct covering East New York and Broadway Junction leads the city in car thefts this year, at 200 and counting, according to NYPD data.

'Auto theft since the beginning of the year has just kind of gone up and up and up,' says one expert. 'It's one of the ones we can't really explain.'

Adi TalwarYear-to-date, the 47th Precinct has the highest numbers of car thefts in the Bronx. Since the beginning of [...]
