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Talent-IQ Introduction

Can you identify your own personality type? Have you ever associated your personality type with a job? My Talent IQ blog is for anyone who is an employee, employer, or looking to join the workforce.

Can you identify your own personality type? Have you ever associated your personality type with a job?

My TalentIQ blog is for anyone who is an employee, employer, or looking to join the workforce. TalentIQ will share real stories about human experiences and essentials on the job to help maneuver the talent conundrum.

Talent Management in the workplace
Talent Management in the workplace

TalentIQ is all about talent — skilled individuals looking to be engaged, rewarded, respected and progress with career aspirations. Ideas can be applied to any business size or industry — from sole proprietor to global corporation, and deli to banking.

At the end of the work day, people want to leave their offices or places of employment with uncompromised dignity, feeling empowered, and looking to add value to the business long-term. Can this be accomplished through employee engagement?

Amir Morshed is a business psychologist, co-founder and managing director of Propel International. On August 16, 2016 at a Happiness Breakfast Club Session in Dubai, Amir lead discourse on the topic, Are you responsible for the happiness of others at work? The discussion involved leading HR and Talent Management experts in that region. Is happiness at work culture-specific or are there approaches that will resonate with people employed at a conglomerate in Dubai as well as a chain supermarket in Brooklyn? And how do we define happiness at work?

At a recent workshop in New York City on The DNA of Engagement: How Organizations Build and Sustain Highly Engaging Leaders, HR professionals were told by an industry expert that highly effective leaders bring out the brilliance in employees. The results were from a 2015 survey conducted with nearly 300 companies. Who is a highly effective leader?

I once had an interview for an opening in the communications department of a large firm. At the end I asked what I thought was a practical and reasonable question: What are next steps? The interviewer who was a senior vice president let me know that I will hear back from him if he liked me. I never did. Should all managers have people responsibilities?

A business partner recently said to me, "The CEO of my company is a bully who verbally abuses me, (twice causing me to nearly jump out of a 15-story window, when I am normally centered and calm) - and has asked me to find another job." What would a model for humanity in business look like? These are some topics we will explore together in bite-size posts.

I worked with a Fortune 40 company in New York City for over fifteen years where I held progressive roles in corporate benefit funding, legal affairs and human resources. The concerns and interests of all workers — individual contributors as well as leaders — are similar regardless of department. I hope to share with you some of my experiences, that of co-workers, experts and scholars I have had the privilege to work alongside to reveal what works and what doesn't. You will find tips and practices that can be applied to managing people in a flower shop, community market, newspaper, franchise, non-profit or for-profit. TalentIQ will also share traditional and trending routines and approaches that describe some businesses as cool, hot or simply successful, with focus on their greatest resource - talent! Welcome!
